Saturday, July 09, 2005

posting about not posting

ok...i don't know if blogging is for me.......i just typed out yet another long semi-deep post, then deleted it........i'm not so sure i want people knowing my deep thoughts.....i'm not so sure i want to have to live up to them..........i like a little mystery about's funny as much of a talkative person that i think i may be....there's alot rattling around inside that isn't ready to come out yet......actually.....i don't even know if this will make it to the, why not.............i guess i gotta post something...........i'll just keep posting about posting about not posting..............does that make sense?

Jen that is totally valid.... I understand the not wanting people to know some of your thoughts... thats why I usually post about my day or something like that... and if i do post personal i try to leave a little mystery to it. Bloging is a good outlet though. It was good to see you tonight... I enjoyed sharing stories and memories (even if they weren't one that each person in the room was a part of).
Hi Jen...It is kind of weird , just anyone can read your thoughts....and then it's kind of cool if someone would say mmmmmm that gets me thinkin'!! I pick the people who I think I could affect and who could affect me. (selfish huh?)Fortunately...we need to be spurred on!!!
Love ya!
Hey Jen I'm glad you said what you said
I am just starting to investigate this blog thing myself, and am feeling the same way, don't know if I want people to know my deepest thoughts, but something about the blog thing is pulling me.....
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