Saturday, July 02, 2005

random acts

when i was a kid i remember driving somewhere as a family and my dad pulled up to a toll booth........he decided to pay for the guy behind him........we all swung our heads around to see his reaction and he looked forward at us and gave a big quizzical smile, then waved....that has stuck with see those bumper stickers 'practice random acts of kindness''s the little things that usually make someone's day...................

I had a lady who used to come through the line at Starbucks. She would always pay for the car behind time, as I told the car behind her that they had been paid for...they decided to pay for the car behind them...the trend continued for the next 12 cars. It not only made the day of all the people who didn't have to pay for their drinks...but all of us at Starbucks were talking about it for weeks. :)
wonder why it even stopped....that 13th car must have been broke.....
Maybe there wasn't a car behind the 12th car and we all know that out of sight usually means out of mind! Then the poor 13th car pulled up...and nothing! How is that like us? Do we really see that 13th car out there waiting for us to "pay"...sorry so deep!
that is actually a cool story in and of itself...the 13th car was known as the grumpy old lady who came in every day and when I told her about the other 12 cars she cussed me out at said, "you expect me to pay for the car behind me?" (She later became my friend) We made it our store project to make her smile and after weeks of day she cracked. =) We e-mail every now and then (mainly when someone makes her grande, triple, non-fat, sugar free vanilla latte wrong) and my co-workers say that she is nice to the other girl employees now (but still snarls and cusses at the male baristas.=) ) She is one of the people I am looking forward to seeing when I get back to Phoenix!
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