Saturday, August 06, 2005

i'm lovin' it........

so, we watched the movie 'supersize me' last was very made me realize a couple of things i never thought i'd get out of it........

1. i judge people who jump on (what i call) bandwagons
2. i do not eat healthy at all
3. i completely separate our country into liberal/conservative.....democratic/republican
4. i don't want to continue 1-3
5. i'm not sure i'll ever eat a fast-food burger again
6. mcdonalds fries are not real food

ok....let me explain......#1.........i've always judged people who had weird 'causes'....i'm not sure why...i guess i have just always believed that any cause that seems to take precedence over christianity or evangelistic 'causes' is no good...........#2......speaks for itself......i've come to realize...through watching the movie that we americans tend to poo-poo bad eating habits instead of lumping them in with smoking, drinking, drugging.........#3..........the line is so blurred these days that i'm starting to realize i just need to have my own set of beliefs.....some may blend together from both sides, but as long as they line up with what god expects of me its ok....
#4..........i'm making a conscious effort to least try.......#5........hmmmmm......... the movie they hadn't changed composition when stuck in a experimental jar for 2 months.............what do ya make of that????....................

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