Thursday, December 29, 2005

emily's poem

.......this is a poem by my daughter emily...........she's her fathers girl......

I am From.....

I am from journals full
Old writing
Home made cards, "Lemlin"
And chaotic kids running

I am from a pile of dirt
Lying next to the broom
Warm, buttered bread
And my brother's ink smelling

I am from "I'll clean up tonight"
Pumpkin pie
And "It'll be alright"

I am from a dirty pond at the end of
The street
And on the eve of my birthday my
dad and ice cream

I am from a "for sale" sign
A big family tree
And saying goodbye

I am from "I love you"
Caramel apples,
And starting off new

...what can i say, every time i read it i cannot hold back tears.....thanks emily for your sentimental, honest, heartfelt way of expressing the memories we have as a family as well as the loss you are feeling right now.....i love you
Em... is so talented.... and amazing!

I love you all!
oh and em... great outlet... gald you found a great way to express yourself
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